With the rise of the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0, market demand for HMI continues to grow. PEBLE offers the platform which is a comprehensive MCU/MPU solutions along with embedded GUI software to fulfill various production and design needs.
The GUI platform offers a graphical user interface (GUI) solution to help users to create a powerful and stunning graphics for the embedded system. The GUI platform can be implemented on HMI for industrial, machines, and appliances, etc.
Consumer, industrial and medical goods are becoming smarter, and a growing number are boasting complex, smartphone-like GUIs. PEBLE makes developing optimized embedded GUIs easy with a broad and scalable portfolio, integrated display controllers and graphics accelerators and multiple graphics libraries and tools that support its broad range of microcontrollers.
Master of “Animating” : Fully-featured animations are possible for a simple system enabled by this GUI MCU.
Experience the cutting-edge “easiness yet quality” display technology Accomplished by the PEBLE’s proprietary graphic Processor.
The p600 series, which integrates RISC-V core, Graphic Controller, 2D Graphic Processor, Ethernet MAC, Security and DDR2, can expect performance and image quality that were not seen in embedded MCU applications when designing the GUI.
The use of the p600 in their graphic design can give developers a sense of the MCU's convenient design and expect the same graphic quality as a microprocessor.
p300 Graphics Applications MCUs excels at Graphical User Interface (GUI) designs, delivering performance and quality levels not yet evident in embedded microcontroller applications. The p300 MCUs consist of an integrated Graphic Processor and available on-chip 16MB of DRAM memory.
The p300 offers designers the ease of design with an MCU and microprocessor similar graphics quality. The device provides fast display and design of the GUI with Graphics Lib.